Adoption by farmers of modern agricultural practices in the field of cultivation of the jawar crop in North Sinai Governorate

Document Type : Researches


1 Plant Production Department, Faculty of Environmental Agricultural Sciences, El-

2 Dept. Agric. Econ. and Rural Develop., Fac. Environ. Agric. Sci., Arish Univ., Egypt.

3 Department of Biological, Marine and Agricultural Environmental Sciences - Institute of Environmental Studies, Arish University


This research aimed to identify the personal, social and economic characteristics of the farmers surveyed in the study area, to identify the level of farmers' adoption of modern agricultural practices in the field of cultivation of the neighboring crop, to identify the factors associated and influencing the degree of farmers' adoption of modern agricultural practices in the field of cultivation of the neighboring crop, and to identify the most important The problems that farmers face when cultivating the guar crop, a systematic random sample was selected from the lists of holders of the Agricultural Cooperative Society in the Bir al-Abd center, amounting to fifty farmers representing 50% of the total number of 100 farmers, and a regular random sample was selected from the lists of holders In the Agricultural Association in the Arish Center, it reached 50 farmers, representing about 50% of the total 100 farmers of guar, thus the total sample of the study was (100) single, and data was collected by means of a questionnaire form in a personal interview with the farmers, starting from April until the end of May of 2023 Many statistical methods were used to analyze the data of the study to achieve its objectives and test its hypotheses, including descriptive statistical methods, simple correlation coefficient, and step-wise multiple regression analysis.


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