
1 Dept. Econ. and Rural Develop., Fac. Environ. Agric. Sci., Suez Canal Univ., Arish, Egypt.

2 Dept. Econ. and Rural Develop., Fac. Environ. Agric. Sci., Suez Canal Uni., Arish, Egypt


The aim of the study was to determine the nature of the relation between the degree of youth orientation towards participation in development projects and the independent variables studied in the variables of demographic structure, tendencies and voluntary trends, social and psychological dimensions and social capital variables, and aims to identify the contribution of independent variables trend towards youth participation in development projects. Has been field data collected from respondents in (4) months starting from the beginning of October 2013 ended in late (January) 2014, and the geographical scope of the area, which was conducted by the field study is a central (Bir al-Abed) (Arish) sample a total of about 99 young people from A total sample of 43330 individuals for the well of the slave. As for al-Arish, it reached about 129 youth from a comprehensive sample of 99,164 individuals. The data were collected by a questionnaire interview sheet after the pre-test. A number of methods statistical analysis of data from them, descriptive statistics and percentages, and the Central tendency measurements, and dispersion measurements, model of correlative analysis and regression gradual upward, T-Testing using SPSS program. The most important results obtained for the contribution of independent variables for the mid of El Arish there are three variables are motivated to participate in development programs, the status process, the pattern of participation in the programs, contribute to a combined rate (26.4%) in the interpretation of the overall variation of the degree of the direction of youth towards participation in development projects, the Bir al-Abed Centre are found three variables are motivated to participate in development programs, social adjustment, and the trend towards innovations, contribute to a combined rate (31.1%) in contrast to the overall interpretation of the degree of orientation towards youth participation in development projects.


Main Subjects