
Dept. Econ. and Rural Develop., Fac. Environ. Agric. Sci., Arish Univ., Egypt.


The main objective of the study was to present the most important features of the prevailing levels of independent and dependent variables related to the individual of the research sample, which included housing status, social integration, size of social relations, level of economic openness, contact with development officials, The study used some descriptive statistical measures, such as the minimum, the maximum, and the average sense. Abi, the standard deviation, the coefficient of difference was also intended to identify the differences between the sample before and after settlement in the degree of independent variables and the studied daughter, by calculating the mean of the variables in my sample before and after the settlement as well as using T-test. The field data collection, which started from the 1st Oct. 2016 and ended in late 2017, took place. The collection of the field data took six continuous months due to the nature of the research area because it is an innovative and semi-isolated area from the population areas and the lack of public transportation means, And the frequency of visits so that the researcher to interview the research sample and complete the form data. The geographical area of ​​the Central Sinai region, where the field study was conducted with a total sample of 210 respondents, After the Pre-Test, a number of statistical methods were used to analyze the data including descriptive statistics, percentages, measures of central tendency, dispersion measurements, correlation and progressive regression model, and T-test using the SPSS program.


Main Subjects