
1 Dept. Business, Higher Inst. Admin. Sci., Min. Higher Educ. and Sci. Res., Sharkia, Egypt.

2 Dept. Economics and Rural Development, Fac. Environ. Agric. Sci., Arish Univ., North Sinai, Egypt


The Egyptian reality at the political, economic and social level refers to a large number of issues that need to be addressed accurately, quickly and efficiently, and on top of these issues comes the problems of the economic crisis, which emphasizes the need to adopt one or more administrative methods, so that the goal and means are united when using, as the Egyptian economy suffers from obstacles They are organized into: Real and serious, but old, troubles that existed before the revolution, and have continued since the early seventies, it can be traced back to: irrational economic policies that continued without interruption until the outbreak of the January 2011 revolution, and economic troubles that resulted from the revolution. It is natural that some economic troubles occur, and there is a third type that is not old and not related to the revolution, but rather occurred after the revolution because the transitional period, and the processes of the transformation led to taking measures and decisions that greatly hindered the management of economic development processes in Egypt. One of the most important results of the study is an attempt to formulate a general concept of the economic crisis and its nature in order to avoid an overlap between the concept of crisis and other concepts. The theory of overproduction, the theory of excessive supply of capital, the theory of insufficient demand, as the results of the study showed the theories and monetary currents that explain the economic crisis through the two theories of fluctuations in money supply, and modern monetary currents that explain exchange rate crises.


Main Subjects